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Sporta.org is a vibrant platform dedicated to sports enthusiasts in all forms. Our mission is to provide the latest news from the world of sports, offering analyses, commentaries, and much more. Our team, comprising sports experts who approach their work with passion and dedication, has positioned us as a leading sports portal in the U.S.

At Sporta.org, we believe sports are more than just competition; they embody passion, determination, and the spirit of challenge. Every article we publish aims to convey these values to our readers. Our editorial team keeps a close eye on significant global sports events, ensuring that we bring you the freshest and most reliable information.

Nikodem is the lead author and editor at Sporta.org. His love for sports began at a young age, participating in various sports activities. Now, with years of experience in the journalistic field, Nikodem provides our readers with up-to-the-minute news, in-depth analyses, and commentary across various sports disciplines. His profound knowledge and commitment make him one of the most respected sports experts in the U.S.

Throughout his career, Nikodem has established numerous connections with experts, athletes, and coaches, enabling him to provide unique and trustworthy information. His articles are valued for both their informative content and unique perspectives on the world of sports. Nikodem regularly attends major sports events, keeping him constantly updated with the latest trends and happenings in the sports world.

If you have questions, suggestions, or want to get in touch, we welcome you to contact us. We are open to all kinds of collaboration proposals and are happy to answer any queries about our activities.

147 West 35th Street
Garment District, New York
Email: info@sporta.org